adhd - never suspected it for dd, diagnosed at age 9
suspected it around age 4 for ds, diagnosed with add at age 14 during a second complete eval. , also has autism diagnosis, non-cognitive. he has accommodations at school focused on the autism symptoms which overlap quite a bit with the add symptoms.
Both are in the gifted program, which helps more for the younger child.

Tried meds for add for son, however that was short lived as this coincided with a few incidents of tachycardia, so he was removed from any stimulant meds. it was not the cause, but it was not good to have this medicine if his heart was acting funky.
The only remaining non-stimulant med did not do much good and made him kind of cranky (crankier than the usual 15 year old male). So he is on no medications at this time.

He has concentration issues when things are boring to him, but not so much when he is not bored, lack of medication does not seem to be a huge problem for him at this time.
Dd - we have not tried medication as her symptoms are mainly impulse control of: speaking, tapping, humming and the like. and she seems to maintain some ok control at school. She does have issues with distraction and has been given accommodations of more time for testing/assignments as needed, and preferential seating - also doing ok in school at this point, though awfully bored at times.