Thanks Andes!
I don't want to hijack this thread -- but hopefully it's okay if I ask a follow up question...
As for the library, I've been wondering how that works wrt reading levels. For "media" special the kids get to check out a book a week. They encourage the kids to get books from a special section, DS reads it during the library time and has zero interest in it for a week and then swaps it for another.
Until recently when I suggested to him that they might have Boxcar Children books in the library and he could ask for one. He asked the librarian to help him find one and she was really positive about helping him find a specific book he wanted in the library -- I'm sure he was bubbling with excitement.

So he got to check it out.
The next week of course he wanted another Boxcar Children book. She let him check one out but she sent him back to get another shorter book too. I'm thinking at this point she thinks we're reading the Boxcar Children books to him and she wanted him to have one at his reading level he could read too.
I'm inclined to do nothing about this as it seems to be working out well for DS. He kind of ignores the shorter book but he's been tearing through the chapter book he brings home in a few days and actually looking forward to his media special.
I'm curious though if there are usually limits/rules on what the kids check out? I don't want to ask them because I don't want to change the status quo!