I think with most of these things we have to ask how disabling something is. I am discovering through my own family's journey that we can label anything. I am a coffee drinker. If I drink too much coffee, well then I consider that is something that might need intervention… because if you've seen me drink too much coffee - you would definitely step in

but then I would be labeled a "Coffee Drinker".
Human beings are on a spectrum of behavior. We are a mix of lots of different qualities and like everything else, sometimes one thing is an asset and sometimes that same thing can be a deficit based on your environment.
I don't like her list. It does list assets and deficits of being an Aspie, which is a good thing (all qualities do have both good and bad associated with them) but her list is like the original ADHD lists.. I defy someone to not identify with at least some of the things on her list (which defeats its purpose as a screener…)