Update - I met with the teacher, principal and gifted coordinator and discussed the possible accommodations for him in the classroom.
They are:
- math - allowed to work ahead - either following the curriculum or in a more big problem kind of way
- science - hands on science projects are about to start for the class which should be much more engaging for him
- social studies - also about to get more hands on - choosing an ancient civilization to focus on and writing a report
- english - writing the report for social studies - he could write an historical fiction story instead
He would also be allowed to do something fun/engaging for the first 10 minutes of class at the beginning of the day and after lunch.
He was coming down with something when I filled him in on the changes so I can't tell if he's underwhelmed or just sick. In any case he's home again for the day.
I'm not sure if I'm underwhelmed. Torn because I'm not sure what I would ask for in an ideal world and also, what are they able to actually do within the parameters of a normal class situation.

Help. Can't think clearly about this and the stress of feeling like a crappy mom who can't get her kid to school and a neglectful mom who can't fix this situation is really bringing me down.