Having a morning coffee, I found this thread. Do not have time to read beyond first page now, but found something I wanted to underline:
At times maths is fun, but I confess that I stay away from trying to make learning fun overall. Learning is work --- sometimes hard work. I fear that putting too much effort into calling or making it fun risks inspiring kids to shut down when it isn't fun anymore.
Like someone else pointed out, it can't be all fun, because eventually it is bound to become hard work, and if you have been after fun only, you are in big trouble.
My kids are past that stage, they both understand that it is work, sometimes easier, sometimes more difficult. When they were younger, I did notice two things:
1. Everything was MUCH MORE FUN when mom or dad were doing it with them, even math.
2. My kids had only educational games when thay were young. Mostly Jumpstart series. It was fun, and lower level math deals with a lot of computing in a funny, enjoyable way.
Now questions, I know that you understand about fun versus work