What does this acronym mean? Here are a few more gifted, 2e, and educational acronyms and phrases which are not on the roundup of
Hoagies' list of acronyms and abbreviations at the time of this post:
ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis (see BCBA)
ABIQ - Abbreviated Battery IQ, based on routing subtests.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule ADS - Asynchronous Development Syndrome
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ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavior Analyst Certification Board (see BCBA)
BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst (see BACB)
CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CFT, CFIT - Culture Fair Test, Culture Fair Intelligence Test (
Wikipedia page)
CHIPs - Children of High Intellectual Potential
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CPS - Collaborative Problem Solving�
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crystallized intelligence - acquired knowledge and experience, as seen in vocabulary, general information, analogies
DI -
Destination ImagiNation DITD -
Davidson Institute for Talent Development dox, doxing, doxxing -
searching for and publishing private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent. Note that
Board Rules disallow this on the Gifted Issues Discussion Forum: "
Remember that this is a public forum. This is not a diary or a private journal. Try not to post any information that will allow others to identify you, your children, or anyone else."
DSM-5 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). 5th Edition, 2013.
Davidson Young Scholar EBRW - Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
EF - Executive Function
EFD - Executive Function Disorder
ELA - English Language Arts
ERB - Educational Records Bureau
Admission/Achievement assessments, typically used in private schools.
English for
Speakers of
FBAs - Functional Behavior Assessment(s)
fluid intelligence - innate intelligence, as seen in pattern recognition, abstract reasoning, problem solving, puzzles
FSY - full school year
G, g factor - general intelligence
Gc - crystallized intelligence
Gf - fluid intelligence
HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Possible triggers for negative behavior, meltdowns, or tantrums.
SENG articleHYPSM - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT. 5 prestigious US colleges.
urban dictionary MAP - Measures of Academic Progress. An assessment by Northwest Evaluation Association (
NRT - Norm-Referenced Test
NT - Neurotypical, or neurologically typical
OOD - Out Of District
OST - Out-of-School Time
PYD - Positive Youth Development
Socioeconomic Status. SES may correlate with educational outcomes; An aim of common core is to have equal outcomes.
SIG - 1) Summer Institute for the Gifted (summer camps offered by
. . . .2) Special Interest Group (
American Mensa SIGs)
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SOAR - is an acronym for helping students to remember study skills:
Set goals,
Ask questions,
Website here:
https://studyskills.com/ SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder
SSA - single subject acceleration, usually Math or English Language Arts (ELA)
VC, VCI - Verbal Comprehension, Verbal Comprehension Index (part of
IQ test)
WM, WMI - Working Memory, Working memory Index (part of
IQ test)
Young Scholar, Young Scholars' Program (see: Davidson Young Scholar)
ZPD - zone of proximal development.
Explained on wikpedia here. ERIC report here.
CoolMomTech article: "99
texting acronyms and phrases that every parent should know", July 14, 2014