eco, I am not in your state but the advocacy agency looks very similar to our state's agency.
I'm not sure exactly what I'd say to advocate at this point, other than--my son's behavioral issues and disorganization are causing a lot of chaos at school. I guess I produce the email mountain.
You really don't need to say much - just summarize the issue: your ds is at __ school, he has ADHD, he's having behavior issues at school, he has a 504 which you feel doesn't fully or effectively address his issues, you've requested a comprehensive evaluation twice in the past and been denied without ever having had a team meeting, you are in the process of getting a private neuropsych evaluation, what can you do next to advocate for your ds at school. You'll most likely find that the advocate will jump in and give you all sorts of advice you have no idea to ask for

Just make the call

One thing you might do before making the call though is to write out a timeline/history for yourself to have as a reference point - include issues at school, relevant conversations with teachers, meetings at school, testing/results/etc. It doesn't have to be detailed, just a rough sketch of past history.
Good luck! You're going to make progress -