This doesn't matter in first grade. I would say it doesn't become an issue till around 4th or so. FWIW, my 5th grader hates most popular "tweeny" music. It's not a big deal.
My DD really hasn't ever liked "typical" stuff this way. Though she
did think that Bruno Mars was dreamy when she was 10, as I recall. LOL.
Her favorite songs were by Tom Lehrer.

So there you go. She still has managed to find her tribe, and the theater majors seem to find her a total hoot, by the way, because she has a-- um-- well, a gift. She can sing Frozen, all right. Just-- different.

When she was 5 or 6, she would have known classical artists, Tom Lehrer, Weird Al, and some 60's pop music. Abba. Yes, that too-- and maybe America or the BeeGee's.
By the time she was in the age where it mattered, she had a stereo in her room so that she could experiment and find what she liked. She's chosen since to listen to the local pop station occasionally just so that she knows what Katy Perry sounds like. She likes Adele and Lady Gaga. But she still thinks that her dad and I listen to better music (generally) than most of her peers. I take her to hear Gershwin, Sondheim, Schubert and Prokofiev, and her dad takes her to hear Joan Jett, Judas Priest, and Rush, and we all go to Weird Al and jazz.
Most of DD's peer group thinks that this is pretty cool, truthfully-- and always has.