And Captain Underpants
Have fun looking for books for your ds!
I'm glad you mentioned Captain Underpants.
I would like to have him reading some 'easier' 'laugh out loud' books that sort of give him a break from the harder books. Similar to the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books (of which he's read all of). When I've read a book that takes a lot of concentration on my part, I like to have a break by reading something that doesn't take much thought

Thanks to everyone for your recommendation of books. He hasn't read any of your recommendations - one day he was reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and wanted all his books to have pictures throughout them, then the next he's all about Harry Potter...not sure what made him make that huge leap but I'm very proud he did.
I'm going to check into each one of the books/series you mentioned. I appreciate your help and advice.