Sorry about my late response

DD11 attended CITY's Discovery program - same as Cym's DS, we even got to meet each other!
It was a one week residential program (Sunday through Saturday) for 4-6 graders. Due to other summer plans she was not able to attend the program for 6-8 graders, but it turned out that majority of the kids she met there were actually incoming 6th graders. They had four hours of instructions a day, two before lunch and two after, no homework other than some occasional reading.
Her class was Ancient Idols - Heroes and Myths.
She really loved the program, loved the food , loved her dorm advisor and all the friends that she has met there. She is e-mailing them actively and already making plans for next year. Even more than that, she became close friends with a girl that also would like to become a vet and the two of them are already making college plans, LOL.
My son has attended a similar program at the same location two years ago. One observation that I can make is that two years ago most of the instructors were either college professors or G/T teachers. This year most of the faculty consisted of college students or new grads. No comment which one is better, just an observation.
The cost for the program was about $1000. Pretty typical I would say for a one week residential experience. Most of the kids were local, either from Denver or very close to it.
As for AwesomeMath - I would be glad to e-mail you privately if you are interested. I do not want this info to be out in the open to easily identify my kiddo