Wow. I didn't mean to set off a fire storm by commenting on parents who bail on the school system. I truly respect all of the people who dedicate so much of their time, energy, and passion to teaching their child outside of the system. Please forgive any misunderstanding.
Oh, of course you do! No misunderstanding whatsoever! I didn't take it as an attack in any way. We're good!

But you did hit on something that is commonly said to those of us who pull out of the schools. Seriously, I'm not kidding when I say that my own mother, the grandmother of my child, told me that she thought I was doing a disservice to the schools and to GT kids by pulling him out. It's a common view. And, frankly, it's one I understand and sympathize with. I'm not at all upset with you.
But I think it hits at the heart of some very important issues, ones that I personally have been wrestling with. What do the schools owe HG+ kids? What do we have the right to ask for? How much effort should we be required to put into the schools, and for what amount of result back from the schools?
These are big, important questions. It's a good discussion. It matters. If we can't define these for ourselves, then how can we define them--argue persuasively for them!--with the schools?
I do think the system has changed. Grouping used to be better and more common. There seemed to be a greater respect for individual abilities and less concern about "stick with your age group or else." I personally knew several kids who were grade skipped when I was a kid. I know only one personally in my hometown. The whole town!
Things ARE different. And I see them getting worse, not better. I'm not sure where I fit in the scheme of things, but I know that I had to get my child out of that toxic environment. That was the only thing I was sure of. Everything else, I'm still trying to figure out.
You did fine, ebeth! Promise!