Yeah, she's nine in Jan. That might be a good time because I know they take the CogAt in the fall and some other math tests to identify for honors math. She might be tested out. Plus, it seems like the pattern for her at school is complete boredom by Jan/Feb, so it might give her something to do. Now only one of the tests have to be under two years for DYS right? I think she took WISC April of last year, so if it takes too long to get Explore results, the WISC will be past two years old.
She is used to excelling but I think it was a good move for her and sister to do Score this summer. They got to work at their "real" learning level for one hour twice a week, which means she was getting scores between 75-95%. I really loved that for a variety of reasons. One being I got to spend time talking to them about not having to always have perfect scores. It was great to watch them work up without turning into peanut butter the second they weren't "perfect"!
Hey, once in a while I get something right, and I think this was one of those things.