DD10 does not know how to swim, because she is so intolerant of the noise and of getting splashed at the pool that she has never managed to take lessons successfully.
She decided this summer that she wanted to try again, and I enrolled her in swim lessons on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Her first lesson was yesterday. (In the future, she will get there on her own, but I went with her yesterday to sign her in and confirm that it would be OK for her to be there without an adult from now on.) She went under water multiple times and blew bubbles without visible distress. She clearly didn't like kids kicking in the water near her, but she turned her head away and maintained her composure. She also showered before and after getting in the pool without me telling her to.
I am very, very proud of how well she did.

It has been bothering me for a long time that neither kid can swim, but she finally seems ready to learn.