I just found out our Davidson DS9 has qualified in our district for double advancement in math. Truly, he could grade skip but we're not there yet

. Plus, we could do the double advancement NOW where the skip would likely have to wait another school year. We are year round, so have been in school since 7/9. He skipped 3rd grade math and received 4s and 99th percentile on his recent EOG. For math, his test today was 84% for the 5th grade math EOG. I'm having a hard time not going forward with the additional acceleration but there are definite obstacles. It would be a course online with a county teacher, but it started 3 weeks ago (luckily my ds11 is currently taking it, though we are looking to bump him as well), as such, the next class would also be online unless I can convince the schools to let him walk over to the adjacent middle school to take it live.
The way our county is set up, 6th grade math is offered 3 ways, 6, 6+ and 6+/7+, the latter is brand new this year for the top 3% of kids, and covers all of 6,7 and 1/2 of 8th grade math (designed purely for advanced 6th graders). My DS is already going to be beyond that class even if we keep him in 5th grade math, he will be taking honors 8th grade math for high school credit in 6th grade. Then, at least, he'd be in a class.
He's very interested in the advancement, always eager for more and has support at home from my engineer genius husband and his brother. We are concerned about the unknowns and very tumultuous past of the math tracks in our district esp with our state kicking Common Core out or at least, redrawing it.
Thoughts? I'm thinking we should go for it and worry about ramifications later. He wants to be an engineer or surgeon, he will use the math. There are several high school/dual enrollment ops in our area and I'm certain more will develop. I'd love for him to catch the attention of admissions people early and do believe having skipped two levels od math are indicative to them of his talent.
Thx for helping us sort through this menagerie or options,