Well for bonding purposes I'll chime in.
DS was an unplanned pregnancy through 2 forms of birth control. I spent the entire pregnancy depressed but not overly sick. However I hated being pregnant and not having control over my body. What do you mean I can't sleep on my stoamche, back or side???? I lovingly referred to DS as The Parasite through the entire term. The lizard was an alternative term of endearment after his ultrasound...
Labor in hospital was 26 hours back labor with an epidural at 23 hours. After several scares, DS was delivered naturally and came out screaming.
Back to the original question. DS was never breastfed after I left the hospital since my milk never came in. They released us from the hosiptal with DS lethargic and not overly responsive after 2 days without food! Kriston where were you then??? I gave him a sample bottle when we got home and he perked up and started to behave like a typical infant

DH and I also were 100% bottle fed.
As a side note, I think today it can be equally hard to BF in public or bottle feed. I actually had a person grab the bottle out of my hand and throw it in the trash can since I was poisoning my child by not Bfing... Mall security did come to my rescue lol.
I'm am so grateful for how easy things were for me!