Thanks for your response! She is only in preschool right now and will be starting pre-K next year, so I am definitely not making any kind of placement decisions at this age! But I just wondered how valid these scores were in terms of see what might be coming in the future.
She has an older brother who is one grade ahead of her. He had to do an IQ test for kindergarten entry. I can't remember all his scores off the top of my head, but he did have 150 (+) on the verbal IQ of the WPPSI IV (I only remember that since it was a qualifying score for Davidson - not sure yet if we will apply).
My daughter seems light years ahead of her brother - in reading for sure, and in overall maturity. Since they are so close in age, I worry about her skipping a grade and being in his same class, or even skipping ahead of him.
Yeah, I know... way to early to think or worry about such things. But, it's what mothers do.

We'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it.
(PS - sorry if this post doesn't make much sense... I've got the flu today and I'm kind of out of it.)