Kids have mixed results in Montessori and we have had both experiences (two different schools).
DD's first school was a Montessori and we had mixed results. However, we have moved and, given all Montessori's are different, I did think about Montessori for next year. I love the idea of the Montessori method and I love the idea of educating the whole child. However, what we experienced was educating the child based on the Montessori method of a sequential learning path and DD is not completely sequential - in some areas she goes from A to C to F if YKWIM.
The bigger issue for us is the contract. We opted to pull DD from school based on her anxiety behaviors and the school opted to hold us to our contract. They believed the anxiety didn't have anything to do with lack of challenge at school and they could educate DD at her level easily based on her previous compliance to re-learn material she already knew. Thankfully we found out we were moving the next week and the school reluctantly released us from our financial obligation. This experience made me a bit trigger shy with private schools. I don't think I am willing to take the risk of say having a great initial fit for DD and then having the experience go south and then having to fight for the monies I am then obligated to pay to the school - and this could be A LOT for us. I so wish I could find an excellent Montessori which understood the needs of the PG community that could understand if the fit wasn't right and just release me from my financial obligation. Montessori's have a business to run, so I understand why my wish is not truly feasible