I'm not sure where he is now - there are so many private schools in the Philadelphia area - but I really don't think that any school meets the needs of an HG kid. That being said, I personally could not homeschool (or do virtual school) with my kids. We just can't be around each other 24/7. However, if that is an option, you could try that. In PA, your home district must let your kid participate in after-school activities, tryout for sports, etc.
I know of gifted kids both in Philadelphia and nearby who are HG /PG. Very few grade skipped or left early for college. They were not challenged, but they had the full school experience. If he is in a good private school (or was in a good suburban district), he likely won't be challenged, but he should be around others like him.
Mine attended a private school near City Ave. in the elementary years. Some kids lived in Philadelphia. They left after 4th grade to attend Masterman. Most kids enter Masterman in 5th. Almost all Masterman HS students come from the Masterman Middle School, but only about half of the MS students are accepted to the HS. At least five kids from my eldest's class at the private school went to Masterman. They are now all at an Ivy or other elite school. Masterman always has the highest SAT average among public HS in PA.
Do the afternoon gifted program once a week if you want, but try to be patient and wait for 5th grade at Masterman. High schools like Central and Girls High (or whatever it is called now) used to be good, but the SAT scores are now barely above average.