Thank you, Zen.
- The document for Illinois states "... Moreover, the Common Core raises the floor; it does not impose a ceiling."
- North Dakota: "It is vital to remember the Common Core State Standards are a floor, not a ceiling."
- Colorado: "Standards advance equity of outcomes for students by setting a bar for student performance, defining the floor but not the ceiling of student learning."
- Wisconsin, slide 7 of 31: "Standards set a minimum bar—a floor, not a ceiling. They are designed only to help define outcomes to help ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn the content they need to succeed."
Although not sourced from the official common core website, these are sourced from websites of States who were adopters. It is better than nothing; it provides scant leverage when advocating. Hopefully each one of these States, and the schools in them, will be glad to be held accountable in living up to their promise to not allow the standards to become a ceiling.
Thanks again Zen, for now the epic quest can rest.