My husband, who had a serious skin cancer removed almost five years ago, was told by his doctors to stay out of the sun, but if he had to go out to always wear sunscreen. Since we have 3 acres of land that he has to mow every week in the summer and also rides his motorcycle to work and with the PGR where he gets a lot of sun exposure, he thinks he is protecting himself with sunscreen, and I see that his sunscreen is listed on list of bad ones, so it looks like I now have something else to worry about.
I have always stayed out of the sun as much as possible because I am light skinned, don't tan very well and only get more freckles. After seeing my husband go through the horrible radiation therapy after his cancer, and seeing a friend in her 30's who had a melanoma removed from her leg, I am even more cautious about being in the sun. My husband's cancer scared my daughter enough to quit tanning, even though she always looked very nice with a tan.