But I don't get why it can't be forbidden, even for an 18 yr. old. Unless they have enough money to pay the significant dues and other associated costs (believe me there are many) it seems pretty simple to not provide the money.
Indeed. The parent has other options, too. A 15yo living at home needs transportation to school, so that gives the parent a way to control their movements. Don't want the child at the Friday night bash? Pick them up after class.
If the child attends anyway, there's not much you can do after 18. Unless there is suspicion of illegal activity or they're creating a nuisance, police will not intervene. If your child is under 18, however, you can simply call them and ask them to pick up your child, who is not authorized to be there. I wonder how being the cause of a police visit to a college BYOB would impact the child socially? Should the possibility of this scenario be something known to the child ahead of time?

Or what if mom shows up at the party, hair in curlers and night mask on, demanding in tears to see her little baby girl?
Yes, there's only so much we can do to control our kids. But there's a lot we CAN do, too. Be creative.
And since this point sailed over one head at least, I'll come right out and say it: doing nothing is not an option. The parents can and will be held responsible for any negative repercussions.