I didn't realize you'd already had a 504 meeting. Did the team have any thoughts re observing behavior during lunch, thinking through possible issues that might be causing the change that occurs after lunch? It seems like something that someone could collect some observational data on

I agree - it doesn't seem that a 12-hour med should be wearing off after 5 hours... and if that really is what's happening, I'd be a little wary of simply upping the dose... maybe trying a different med... but I'd also want to try other interventions first.
I think afternoons are tough in early elementary for a lot of kids - after being in school all morning, they rush through lunch (or at least it's a rush here - very little time to eat), then recess, which is exciting and fun and then bam - after all that activity, time to go back and sit down in class.
Have you thought about taking him out after the morning session for a week or so, feeding him lunch at home, and seeing how his afternoons go? Maybe have art and science lab at home
My experience with rewards at that age wasn't all that productive - they work well for situations our kids have control in, but sometimes the behaviors etc are a reaction to feeling out of control, and if that's the case - having a reward for avoiding the behavior may just add to frustration and not accomplish anything.
Just a few rambling thoughts - I hope you find something that works for your ds.
Best wishes,