Yeah, I can see why the funding issue tends to be the one that gets dragged out as a straw man there-- but honestly, I'd
think that ultimately it would serve kids with LD's better as well, if the line between "SpEd/GT" were erased completely.
It would
certainly serve 2e students better.
For an example of what I mean... no TigerParent wants THEIR kid riding the short bus... however...
parents here? I'd sign up for it in a heartbeat if it meant appropriate education. You bet.
Now all of a sudden, spectators aren't so sure that "short bus" or "resource room" is much of an epithet. Magic.

The parents who want their kids to have the
intellectual experience will be the only ones left standing in line, kids with LD's are no longer "outed" involuntarily to classmates as "handicapped" by those LD's if they require services or alternative placements during the day...
anyway, that's been my version of public education Utopia for quite some time. Oddly, it hasn't much caught on. {sigh}
I think that the TigerParents locally are FAR too wedded to their "MY child is in the
GT program" here... yeah, big whoop-de-do... so are 30% of his or her classmates.
Oddly, not so many kids are identified as SpEd.