Last week my DD was given the SB5 and from what I can tell her FSIQ score qualifies for EXIQ examination. I asked the administrator to score the EXIQ after I realized this was an option. After searching the administrator cannot locate her manual to do the extended scoring. She doesn't think it will make a huge difference in DD's FSIQ score, but with out the manual cannot tell. She doesn't want to buy another manual because it is used so infrequently and the new Binet will be out in less then 2 years.
My motivation here is one of principle. I specifically requested the SB5 for my DD because it had the ability to assess young children and was one that had extended norms. I wasn't sure the scores would warrant them, but none the less it was an available option. The EXIQ is not needed for DYS qualification or for any other purpose other then accuracy. Thank goodness the FSIQ is a DYS qualifying score on its own
As I see it now I have a few options.
1. I can try to buy a manual myself, but that is another bit of cash I don't think I should have to spend.
2. I can let the quest for the EXIQ score go - though isn't this one of the fundamental reasons to use this instrument in assessing gifted children?
3. I can call around myself to see if there is anyone who will talk to me. I hesitate to call around because I have been met with so many brick walls in my quest to even get DD assessed that I am, for now, feeling a bit burnt on being perceived as "that parent."
I feel like I may not be seeing the forest through the trees here. I know DD is so much more then a number, but leaving this snapshot in an unfinished state because the assessor cannot find the manual is frustrating. I am having a hard time figuring out what can be gained from the EXIQ except finishing what was started. Any insight is, as always, appreciated!