Dreambox is totally fun!

try the free 2 week trial and take it from there

Our Pre-K DD started with Dreambox at 4yrs and moved to Dreambox + EPGY at 6. Dreambox has the advantage of getting kids used to the technology and having fun with it. DD likes the structure of EPGY and the transparency of the lessons. She moves between both packages depending on her mood. She dislikes the EPGY 'math race,' too, but when it's over, she moves onto new content and learns it very quickly -- but the 'immediacy' required in the races is what is off-putting to her. I think Dreambox gave her an excellent fundamental understanding of her number sense and confidence in math before starting with EPGY too. EPGY follows a structured learning program while Dreambox automatically varies the learning content and style.
DS is 4 and has been on Dreambox for 6 months and is into the 1st grade syllabus. He loves the format and is also developing an excellent number sense. I am holding back from introducing him to EPGY until he is 5 years old, as I think the Dreambox format is more suitable to hold his attention at this age.