"Here, sweetie. Now that you're done with Fluffkins the Kitty Fairy, how about some Morrison?"
I threw it out the day that the Lexile "book selector" tool told me that some Flaubert would be around right for my then-8yo.
We've never
restricted DD's books, just not provided some things at some times-- and thanks to not
sending her into a classroom environment which did, she's never really regarded books as anything but "books." She finds this entire concept alien. My DH and I were both "restricted" by well-meaning librarians as children.
Have to agree that just reading the words on the page and understanding the literal narrative arc is a
way different thing than "understanding" some books-- and L'Engle and HP come to mind
right away there. Percy Jackson is pretty literal and WYSIWYG.
We found that going into
older series was helpful for increasing literacy level without also increasing age-level in the topical material.
Kids who like funny material may like Patrick MacManus. My fantasy-loving DD is a huge fan of his stuff. She also liked Redwall (and happily there are a LOT of those books).