Hi. My child's school used the cogat as part of her testing to enter the gifted program. She came back a 9e (n-) with 99 q, 97v,
69 nonverbal, 98 composite. They used the new cogat.
This fall she was retested with a different cogat test with her peers. Her scores this time were 98q, 98nonverbal,
79 verbal 98 composite. Her profile was 9b (v-).
This confuses me. I asked the school how her verbal and nonverbal could flip flop like that, and was told not to worry, she did awesome.
An aside: her profile says she should be working several grades ahead in math. Her school does not use the profiles and her teacher had never heard of me.

. I asked about this at an RTI meeting and was told "oh yes, she could do it. She excels in math" but that the school preferred not to do it, because the higher grade class tended to not accept the younger learner as their peer. Any thoughts here? She is the youngest in her class already, as she is a. Preemie with an August birthday (adjusted birthdate would put her in the grade prior).