I just found a coworker who has a similar child, similar milestones. I work at an unusual place with this kind of talent concentration.
I bought him a 100 pcs puzzles this weekend.. The most complex one he's done so far is 24 pcs (I haven't bought new puzzles for a while since he wasn't interested for so long). He completed it independently in reasonable time, as long as we sit with him and make sure he doesn't run away to his legos

Yet another step function.. So it seems to be a matter of interest instead of eyes issues, and someone was right when telling me that maybe he just didn't like it. Nevertheless, I don't feel like forcing it to him to practice more with puzzles, if he doesn't like it, then he can catch up with fluid reasoning at some other time.
We also don't want to change our education and parenting philosophy. We believe in real world experiences and love getting him to use his hands a lot; and that's the kind of schools we are looking at for K and elementary as well. We know with this path he is likely to be a later bloomer in academic, but we are ok with that, there are many years ahead of him.
I am just thinking out aloud here, but thanks everyone for the support, sharing and everything really! I have learned a lot from you all and hope to continue to do so