We did opt to skip K with our 1st dd. Looking back - can't believe we stressed out over it. Now, we are debating early entrance for 2nd dd (whose scores even higher but has a - um - more passionate personality). Somehow.. it leaks to my inlaws... my dh was cornered and assumed I'd spoken about it. I just don't know that I take 100 cooks in this kitchen. I feel like we got a 1,000 opinions last time (who me exagerate).
Somehow it was deemed "ok" by the masses for the firstborn... I just don't think others see past our 2nd's imaginary world stuff to see how out there she is... But I guess the biggest thing is - if I'm not even comfortable yet talking about early entrance for her then maybe in my heart I'm not buying into it. The testing psychologist advised it... she is probably a level skating barely into a level 4 log. But she is so young.
I digress. How much of our schooling decisions are what is best for the child vs how much we are willing to break away from our own past?