My DD7 was exactly the same way, but add on needing constant physical input as well: jumping, touching, moving etc. AND loving to make noises--LOUD sounds, AND asking constant questions, singing, talking, and NEEDING from sun up to sun down on little sleep. Now at 7 she is a little better, but is in many activities : theater, singing, gymnastics, dance, DI, and a math enrichment program. Once she got into silent reading (she started reading at 2.5, but didn't disappear into longer books, novels etc. until the end of Kindergarten or maybe first grade) she would disappear into books for a long time and that quiet was a relief for me. She now writes, reads, and draws much of the time and channels her intensity into those things. She still can be intense and demanding, but it is getting better. At four, she was a jumpy, talking, touching, asking ball of fire...I could not go back and do it again! Good luck :-)
I wanted to add that we did have her tested for ADHD and discussed this with her teachers, but she is able to be very focused and on task in all her activities and so far, she does not have a diagnosis. In theater and at school, she looks like the most focused kid there and this has been a relief because she struggles to sit still in activities when she was a preschooler.
Last edited by TwinkleToes; 12/01/13 04:53 AM.