Hi & thanks, I'll be here a lot I think, especially once school starts & he transitions. Since it's a smaller school, I worry about him being accepted by kids that knew him last year as a K. He's pretty social though so hopefully he'll fit in.
To answer some questions - he was given the SB-V and WJIII. I can't tell even from researching if those were good options but that's what they gave him. He passes 145 on verbal, close but not there on math. 99.9 on all WJIII sections he was given. If anyone wants to shoot me an opinion on those, I'm happy to listen good/bad or otherwise. In some ways, it's been hard to believe the results because he just doesn't come across as HG, smart yes, but not to the level they are telling us.
His DSis are DD8-prior 1st grade teacher told me some test the class took scored her very high & some correlate to high IQ. She does not come across at all, loves art, daydreamed a lot at the beginning of 2nd grade, says math is "easy" but below average on timed add/sub tests that were always given. She is just born at a different speed, she moves, eats, everything slower unless she's running -then she's really fast! lol
DD14 is his half sis. She might be gifted, she could ask questions like nobody's business and still does sometimes. I used to tell her she'd reached her 100 question limit for the day. You can't answer that she doesn't have another ?, we nicknamed her Investigative Reporter. She did not stand out in elem but takes honors math and now that she's in higher levels, she makes straight As & finally very motivated. She'll be in honors English & Geometry next yr but refused Biology for Earth Science.
Sorry for writing so much but it's so nice to discuss the kids and get some feedback. One day I will hopefully be able to help some other poor new clueless parent.