I'd like to start a thread where we can collect all the chess resources people know about in one place. I am just starting to learn about what is out there in this area. Here is what I know about. PLease add!
Physical GamesSolitaire Chess
This is not "real chess" and has some aspects that are sort of strange, but if your child is constantly begging to play chess and sometimes lacks an opponent, it can be nice. We find that the rating of the problems is a bit inconsistent. Should be fine for bright kids ages 5 and up, even without much chess experience.
http://www.amazon.com/Think-Fun-340...83745735&sr=8-1&keywords=solitaire+chessNo Stress Chess
We have not tried this but many people seem to like it as a basic intro to the game.
http://www.amazon.com/Winning-Moves...83745855&sr=8-1&keywords=no+stress+chessComputer DVDsLearn to PLay Chess with Fritz and Chesster
http://www.amazon.com/Learn-Play-Ch...and+chesster+learn+to+play+chess+-+vol+1We have this and my DS5 loves it. It is engaging but NOT dumbed down. You have to finish the challenges to proceed all the way through, and some are hard. He has finished vol 1 and is halfway through Vol 2. Note that it appears only to be available for Vista/7/XP. There are some other versions, I think.
Websiteshttp://www.chesskid.com/DS loves this website. However, it is frustratingly limited unless you pay the steep $50 membership fee. Activities will be snatched out from under your nose. I dislike the bait and switch aspect, but the material is good enough that we are considering paying. You can play online for free with other kids here, but I worry about the seemingly unregulated chat. (It may be monitored somehow) One VERY good feature you CAN get for free is the "chess curriculum" in PDF form.
http://www.kidchess.com/I have not explored this much yet, but it looks to have some good puzzles.
http://mateinone.com/Mate in One puzzles. DS found some of them easy but then got frustrated by others. Would like to find a site where you can set the difficulty.
http://www.chessmagnetschool.com/Here you can sign up for a year of chess training for $30. DS did the trial and did not find it extremely engaging. He may be just a little too young, or too used to the bells and whistles of Fritz and Chesster.
www.chess.comGrown-up version of chesskid. Some good articles available here:
http://www.chess.com/blog/webmaster/free-chess-mentor-courses A vast world I have not yet really explored.
BooksChess Tactics for Kids
This was recommended to us but we don't love it. It's a bit advanced for our purposes and DS has a hard time reading notation at this point.
https://play.google.com/store/search?q=chesskid&hl=enHas daily free puzzles (limit 3, I think) and ability to play online with a short time limit.
Chess Free
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.aifactory.chessfree&hl=enNice artificial intelligence engine allows you to play the computer on levels of difficulty from easy to very hard. An advanced beginner child should be able to beat the engine on easy levels. You can also play 2-player chess with a friend in person (nice if you're somewhere w/o a board), but no online chess.
Tactic Trainer
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thecvsi.tactictrainer&hl=enShort puzzles. Will adjust to your performance. These are hard, and we don't always agree with the solution, but it's a nice little distraction and surely good for one's game.