echoing the congratulations over here!

it's so interesting - our day is actually fairly similar to HappilyMom's setup... i work full-time from home, so DD5 and i do blocks of school together three times a day and then she has independent study projects directly after the first two, where she's responsible for turning in the work to me when finished. here's how it goes:
8-8.30 am - phys ed. biking/running/scootering/ball playing etc - we go pretty hard and often need to come home and change afterward - this is super-good for me, too, since i've been a total sloth since she was born!
8.45-9.30 am - 1st block of school. we nearly always start with math, since DD loves it so much. we'll do a quick oral review on things like money-counting or timetable problems - really fast stuff that she can plow through before starting a longer section on whatever new work we have. when the new work is finished, we'll spend a minute or two talking about her goals for the 1st block of independent study and i head off to work in the office and she takes to her desk in her room.
9.30-10.30 am - 1st block of independent study. sometimes she'll be finishing up the math we started together, or it could be continuing work on history/geography/science projects or sometimes art technique. today she's doing cursive work because it's a special area of interest for her.
10.30 am - snack. then free time until lunch at 12.30. she often reads to her stuffed animals or draws/colours or heads out to the back yard to kick a ball around.
1.00 - 2.00 pm - 2nd block of school. we'll review the independent work from the morning - if there's something for me to correct, i'll do it with her and she'll talk about any challenges or further research questions she has which we'll note and block in for another day. then we might have a spelling quiz and get going on other new work - and get her set up for independent study #2.
2.00 - 3.30 pm - 2nd block of independent study. this usually includes a journal entry/short essay or other ongoing work that requires reflection and effort.
3.30 pm - snack & free play until my work-day is finished - technically at 5, but more like 5.30 (though often i have to go back to it after DD's bedtime!)
5.30 pm - after we review her independent work, she'll spend 1/2 hour reading to me from "her" current book. then i'll read to her from "our" book until it's time to make dinner.
phew - that was a bit of a novel - sorry! but i have to add that it's literally the most fun i've ever had. it has eliminated all the stress DD and i were feeling last year, and her work speaks for itself. her reading level has jumped dramatically, her handwriting is now pulled up to grade-level (so it now matches the acceleration we did) and the math is
out of control - but best of all, DD's spark is BACK.
i am so very excited for you, jholland1203!