DD14 just got her ACT results-- she got a composite 34!!!
She got two perfect 36's-- in reading and English, and a 34 in the Science section.
I am relieved that even though she had writing at the end of the test (and note that we strongly suspect a CTD that makes her hands fatigue badly-- and makes writing longhand VERY difficult)--
She 99'ed everything but math (high 90's), and the writing section (98th percentile combined writing/English) which probably doesn't show her actual ability-- her SAT writing test (where the written essay comes FIRST) showed a better essay score.
She did it!! Yippeeeeeeee!!

(I'm really really elated that now she's probably done with standardized testing, which is
way, way, way stressful with a 2e kid. It also means that she achieved her goal of NOT superscoring anything. She's going
au natural. Three-for-three, kiddo! Good for her. )