...not sure this is the right thread, but anyway....
Me and DD were driving home this evening from her x-curricular math class and I was behind a minivan with those family stickers where there is a dad sticker and a mom sticker and presumably appropriate kid stickers (and sometimes pets--yay!). Except on this van the stickers were all Star Wars themed, so Dad was I guess Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mom was apparently Leia in the bikini, and the kids were a mini-stormtrooper and a mini-Leia, which IMO was all tremendously cute.
But it got me thinking--if I were to put these on our cars, and to choose any representation, what would it be?? And also, what are the figures supposed to represent--how others should see you, or how you wish to be seen? Anyway, in our family, if it was how each other two of us see the other one (as we are three altogether, excepting the dog), it might be: Dad = the Emperor; Mom = Tweety Bird; and DD = Warner Bros. Tasmanian Devil or Martian. Just saying.
It might be more interesting if each car had one row of 'traditional representations' (just the standard) and another of 'how we wish to be seen/ what our interests are'. I guess this might be part of what those Star Wars figures might be getting at, but it would definitely be more fun IMO than just representing how many kids you have. (and as a parent of an only kid, I would definitely 'score' better)