So we tried giving him choices and of course , he chooses to have the reading time , which is perfectly fine for us . We don't mind at all with his choice of reading for half an hour to 45 minutes before bedtime . He goes to bed by 9 and starts reading until 9.45 , he'd supposedly turn the lights out and go to bed .
Well , so last night , me and DH were watching tv about 11.30 , when we suddenly heard a sound ,a sneezing sound .. by the stairs . DS' bedroom is upstairs , so we knew it was him , since he's our only one too . We saw him standing by the stairs , eyes wide awake no sign of sleepiness at all .. and his excuse was " oh i was too hot , i was going to grab the light blanket down there "
I knew it was just an excuse , if he was already alseep , his eyes should look sleepy and tired , not wide awake like it was . Later on he said he just couldn't sleep . So he did finish reading by 9.45 , shut the lights off , but i guess never did sleep . I might have to try some soothing classical music for him to try to listen . DH is not happy at all with this ( not the music ) , he's going to move DS' bedroom downstairs now . I don't know if this is going to make any difference ..