Re the DCD, that's the diagnosis our ds has too. He also had a diagnosis of DOWE (Disorder of Written Expression) when he was younger, but never an official diagnosis of "Dysgraphia" on any of his neuropsych reports, for the same reason your neuropsych mentioned - it's not recognized by the schools - plus, DCD and DOWE are diagnoses listed in the DSM-IV, which the neuropsychs follow for making diagnoses. You can have dysgraphia without fine motor issues or DCD, but I suspect it would fall into a different DSM-IV category, probably DOWE.
We're having an odd little issue here this week with DCD - my ds is having an issue at school with PE and an impact of his DCD, but his neuropsych report really only addresses handwriting etc as a challenge, it's been years since he's been to see an OT - and again, that was primarily for handwriting, and his pediatrician really doesn't understand DCD and isn't the dr who diagnosed it... sooooo... we could really use a note from a professional explaining that what is happening is due to ds' DCD, but all we have are lists of accommodations etc referring to handwriting, and a report noting all the other symptoms he had as a young child. Sorry to ramble OT... it's just a confusing place to be in!
Believe it or not this is the very concern in the back of my mind - like the challenges that come with dyspraxia/DCD that are not handwriting related. We don't really have any now but that could change. Fortunately, with us the Ehlers Danlos covers more large motor skills and that report is more vague, and encompassing so that should take care of most things missed in the neuropsych ... But I am big fan of saying what the kid has and explaining it, ya know?...All of this "let's just say it's this so he can get help even if it doesn't quite fit" stuff really in the long run isn't good... but what can I do - I am not writing the report.