I guess the title's a bit to generic considering this is a forum for the Gifted Children for a boarding school. Anyway, hi, I'm Yatharth. I'm 14 years old, studying in Year 9 and live in Kuwait.
I am a highly gifted child (to be specific, I have an 99.9 percentile IQ), but I feel that I am wasting away here in Kuwait. I want to get to somewhere where my talent can be used, as well as I can enjoy working on projects I want to and make use of my time. I am aiming for MIT and Stanford (but then again, almost every student in the world is), but I feel I need to make use of high school and use it as a stepping stone to better places.
I am mainly seeking a boarding school for the highly gifted, in the US or Canada (the latter of which I was a citizen before), or maybe even elsewhere. I realize that that might be a bit impractical (due to lack of citizenship right now, but which we will try to get), but we are willing to take up great costs.
Information about boarding schools, as well as how an international student could avail such great facilities would be useful. I would be much indebted for getting first-hand knowledge as right now, I am not sure of how to proceed.
To tell you a bit about myself, I am a coder at heart and have been coding for about 4 years now. From web development with HTML5, CSS, JS, AJAX, AppEngine, PHP, SQL (although I can't say I prefer the last 2; desktop development with mostly Python and a bit of C; mobile apps on Android; and even embedded programming on an Arduino; I have tried to pursue that passion as far as I could. Sadly, there aren't many opportunities here.
I'm a member of our local GDG (most active in the Middle East!) and our team in StartUp Weekend landed an honorable mention and was the only team to have a fully functioning prototype. I have also seeked a leading entrepreneur in Kuwait and interned under him for a while.
Also, I participated in Google Code-In this year, but b'coz I found out late, I only managed to finish about 5-6 tasks. I'm also a member of MENSA (as I have an IQ of 155 as per the WISC-IV test). For anything else bout' me, see my About.me page.
I am sorry for the long read, but I do hope this will be srsy considered. I hope this doesn't seem to immature or something. 10x, and looking forward to yoru replies