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My daughter Siya is 19 months.At 7 months she said her first three words.At 19 mos she can talk two languages - english and Hindi. She talks very clearly amd makes huge sentances - Like ' Siya is hungry, she wants to eat a banana', 'I want to go to the park' 'I have eaten enough, no more'.' I have fever, I want to sleep'(and then its the truth'..and many many more...she knows all her alphabets..and sings over 10 nursery rhymes and a few songs too. She can count upto 10 and at times even 15. She recognizes all colours and shapes. She has just started to explore phonics on her own...suddenly she will say...'Pant..P' or 'Kite...K' Siya hates to interact with kids her age. She does not want to sit in a place at all...she is too restless.She also attemts to rob stuff. She loves music and reading...music can keep her dancing for an hour...and reading for about 10 minutes. But I just read the book to her once and she knows it thoroughly. The secong time she will read with me. the third time she will read it to my nanny then she is over it. There are no libraries here and its become an expensive proposition for me! Can any of you experienced friends here help me. Guide me.Where do I start. Regards, Dali
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"There are no libraries here and its become an expensive proposition for me!"
Hi Dali! Where do you live? Your daughter is gifted! You are lucky to have the help of a nanny!
My advice is to continue to explain everything and speak to her as if she were in grade school rather than a toddler.
If you don't have many books available, maybe you could write short stories for/with her.
This age is somewhat easier than what's in store as she begins school. Try your best to follow her pace!
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Hi Dali, How Lovely! do spend the money on one more book and get Dr. Ruf's Losing Our Minds, Gifted Children left behind. You will need to keep track of your daughters milestones, and it's so easy to forget when one is being exhausted by a gifted child!
Don't worry about the "robbing stuff" - she is going to be a headstrong person, for better and worse.
Do give her chances to be friends with people and children of many different ages. I wonder if here is anyone around who could teach here a third language?
Is there a community of homeschooling Mom's where you live? Perhaps they borrow books back and forth? Is there a community of English speaking ex-patriots who need to get rid of their books when they "go back?"
Try you daughter on 10 minute reading sessions of more difficult books sort of "Harry Potter" Level - perhaps of folktales or Mythology? What was your favorite book as a 8 or 10 year old? try that.
Try to protect her from having to sit still. Workbooks may help for those times when she "has" to.
Love from over here, Trinity
Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com
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Dear Trinity, I have bought about 2 dozens of books from amazon last month. They arrived yesterday. She has already finished with two of them - goldilocks and good night gorilla. her memory is very sharp and no books last more thatn two reads. I am living in India - reading to toddlers is conceptually missing...there is nothing here for gifted children. She just does not sit in a place these days. Its really hard. Homeschooling is no concept here and so I put siya in a play group so she could interact with kids her age. She cried and cried...and kept calling other kids babies...its so difficult!Anyways i was compelled to pull her out of school for once. I do tell her loads of stories. I include family and friends for characters which helps keep her intrigue. My big question is how do I spot which area she is 'gifted' in? Whwn will I know? This may help me narrow down and focus on those areas. These days she likes to spend the whole day at our lawn and with our animals...we have ducks, cows, dogs,a cat and hens. She likes horses and we may bring one. When she is bored with them she likes to play football. She likes puzzles and I have got her some. I am really trying to figure out what more I can do to help her. Blessed Be, dali
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Dear Delbows,
Yes I speak to her like I speak to the rest of the members in the family...she prefers it that way. I have bought 2 dozens of books from amazon.com but they may not last me over a month as she has a very sharp memory.... Yes I have created stories for her and she loves listening to them...then she goes and tells her grand pa the whole story. Thank you Dali
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You've picked up on many good practices that will serve you well. You speak to her like a person. You allow her to do what she likes to do. You tell here stories with familiar characters. You read to her. You trust her to know who she wants to play with! Wonderful.
I'm living in the US, and have no experience with Indian Culture, but my guess it there is some way of nurturing unusually bright children, that's quite different from the US style. It sounds to me like you are looking to combine the best of both traditions and I think that's wonderful.
Order longer books for your daughter, and try books about "unschooling" for you. It's an approach that stresses following the child's lead. I think it's what you are looking for.
When my son was around that age he would point to something and ask: Why?
I would say either "Custom" or "Nature." If he wanted to know more he would ask for more detail. Often it was enough. Why no pizza for breakfast? - Custom Why it rain today? - Nature Why me no hit dog? - "Nature" I said, which made him laugh!
and on and on. I think it really helped him get an overall view of the world, which is what they are trying to do.
Also I made an agreement that I wouldn't answer every question, but since I was trustable that was ok, but I would NOT lie to him or rather, that I would do my absolute best not to lie.
I think it's quite important, although leads to some messy situations. ((wink))
Love and More Love, Trinity
Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com
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Hey Trinity...your mail made me smile..Siya is full of questions...and like you I stick to the truth...I blend it andmanipulate it to stories her mind is ready for...If she hears a noise sh asks ' What was that mumma' or 'What is this'...yes she kicks my cat too and then I tell her not to do it because it hurts...she knows the word 'injury' and shows me the smallest scatches on herself...so I tell her the cat wil cry id you kick her...siya is sensitive to her pets and capable of understanding that. Trinity I dont know if there is some way to nuture Siya...there is no Indian way...I am just lucky to be savvy with the net and google stuff for her growth. the net has surely helped me. My quest for knowledge on gifted children continues. Is giftedness a blessing or a curse? How do I know which area she is gifted in? How do I keep away from letting her giftedness go waste? so on and on. Regards,
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Dali - Is life a blessing or a curse? a blessing, of course! There is no difference between being gifted for your daughter and being alive. So giftedness is a blessing. also a PIA. (pain in the neck - US slang for a difficult thing. How does the Indian version go?
How do you know which areas she is gifted in? Keep a journal of at least one sentence of what she loves every day. Soon enough you will be able to look back and see the patterns. There is need to every know what areas her gift is in - because she, like you and I grow and change every day.
The way to keep her giftedness from going to waste is not avoid putting her in innapropriate situations where people place a lot of innapripriate demands. ((playgroup with agemates, school if she has already mastered most of what they are teaching))
Remember that she will probably not grow up to use her best skill, she will probably grow up to do the work that best matches her Values. Keep teaching her the things any child needs to have good Values and be kind, and also allow her to learn whatever she is interested in.
Look around for lots of Aunties and Uncles who will talk to her and be interested in what she has to say.
Here what little I've been able to piece together about Indian culture and giftedness, please forgive me if I am wrong, please forgive my ignorance - 1) Are there Traditions in India of very young people being noticed as spiritually very developed at very young ages? Spirituality is a common aspect of Giftedness. Is special training availible? Is it only for boys? 2) Does the idea of Reincarnation leave room for a very young person to have some of the qualities of their past lives appear at unusually young ages? 3) Most of the Indian people I know are through my work, where I met many highly intelligent Doctors with lovely characters. What kind of preparation was given to them? 4) What kinds of early lives did your artist have?
Basically my assumption is that the U.S. is wonderful in that it is open to so many new ideas, but, on the other hand, we certianly don't have ALL or even MOST of the good ideas. I would like to keep pushing you to look in BOTH directions with great pride in your tradition and country. I hope this is acceptable.
Blessed Be, Trinity
Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com
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Dear Trinity, That sounds so easy for you. I write her journal though not each day. Even with a nanny I feel so exhausted at the end of the day that I keep procrasinating this job. Luckily I live in an extended family setup which helps her a lot. My husbands brother, his wife (Anu) and his father we all live together and get along very well. Siya is very popular with all of them. My husbands brother and his wife travel quiet a bit but when they are here they are constantly providing her the intellectual stimulation she needs. Anu plays snap the card game with her and Siya loves it. Siya is naturally spiritual. she is usually very kind to all living things or even things that have no life. She likes praying and reminds me each day even if I forget.Sorry comes easily from her mouth and when she sees any of our animals in pain she cries with them. Well I dont know how the artists and doctors were brought up! But yes traditions hold great importance and Siya loves most of the customary ones. Off late siya has decided that she wants to play with the moon. She says 'Moon come down, sit here,play with me'. So I told her moon can play hide and seek but wont sit here. I take her to all the windows and from a few she can se the moon. She keeps my brain at work all day! smilzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dali
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LOL Dali! It's always easy to give advice! I remember, a little still, about how much energy it takes to raise a toddler, especially a wide awake one.
I'm so jealous about your living situation - sounds heavenly.
As for energy: Apparently there are a lot of people who gain energy by being quiet by themselves, and others who gain energy from being with other people. Most people are blends, but if you can figure out what your own tendency is, perhaps you can harness it to give yourself back some more energy.
If you are like me, energized by touching hearts with other humans, then your journal could be little notes to us, cut and pasted into a personal file on your computer, or keep the journal near where you have a little daily visit with a friend or your father-in-law, and develop the habit of telling them a little something about Siya's day and then writing it down with their support.
Can you add journal writing to your prayer times? I'm a big believer in routines. Who knows?- soon Siya may be immitating you and keeping a journal of her own.
Today is my birthday. I am so pleased to be sharing it with you. My son is 10 years old. I get lots of little bits of time to myself nowadays, but still am always trying to be availible for the times he comes looking for me. My sister-in-law had told me that by age 5, her children were pretty self-sufficient. That wasn't my experience at all, but after 10 years of parenting, I have more of a balanced life.
Love and More Love, Trinity
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