You could look at my logical son and see a Vulcan, Jr., I think. LOL!
Case in point: Before he was speaking, at probably 8mos. old, he banged a car on the wall. I said no, and he tried banging with the other hand.
Now, I could see from the look on his face that he was thinking, not being rebellious. He was trying to understand the rule. So I said no again.
Then he tried banging on the floor--first with one hand and then the other. I said no each time. He rolled the car on the wall and I said no, so he rolled it on the floor...and I said yes!
He never again banged or rolled the car on the wall. Never! He was still a baby, not yet able to speak or walk alone, yet he figured out what the parameters of the rule were and he *never* broke it.
That was probably the first time I thought to myself, "Wow! I don't think most kids are like him..."

So that's my own little Vulcan baby! He's less rule-oriented now that he's older, unfortunately. Once they get a taste of rebellion, even Vulcan babies can go astray, I'm afraid. Still, he's pretty easy to work with because he generally likes to follow rules.