Suppport, support and more support!
You all are so great! Thanks for all the kind thoughts.
I'm very happy to know that many people have had a great experience from their respective communities......I think that goes a real long way in helping someone new to this advoacating stuff give it a try!
Yes, toxic people stink. Maybe it is I, CFK who is just too aware and sensitive to negativism. Want to trade?

I'm glad your community and school support you! We are also receiving the warm fuzzies and help from school, YAY!!
Gratified, I so hope we will have the same experience that you had.
I think I will just go through the summer expecting that we will!

If not, I'll deal with it then.
So to summarize:
Perhaps the party line is that we really don't need one?
((tossing guilt feelings out the window))
Thanks friends!