He sounds like a nice kid in a nice family, and I'm glad they're finding solutions that work for him. Good for them!

I must admit, however, that I have some mixed feelings about his parents saying "he's just an average kid" and Cavalin saying that "other kids can achieve his success if they study hard and stay focused on their work."
While I understand and appreciate the humility intended, I don't think either of those statements are strictly true. "Average" 10yos can't go to college, no matter how hard they study or how focused on work they are.
I realize I'm being a little nit-picky, but I always worry when the differences between GT kids and ND kids aren't acknowledged. We already run into enough people who think our kids are HG+ strictly because we hothouse them. Statements like these make it sound like that's what this family did, even though I'm pretty sure that's not what happened.
I'm not sure what I would have them say instead. These kids are too complicated to sum up in a sentence--they play soccer, collect toy cars...and study wormholes in their astrophysics classes. The way they are confuses people who don't get them. They're like other kids and they're not, all at the same time. Maybe the problem is with the way the reporter chose to write the story. I don't know.
And I realize that the standard line to use if you're trying to make clear your humility about your child's abilities is to say "Oh, he's like anyone else." I just don't happen to think that standard line is either true or useful.
There's my $.02...