My DS6 is just finishing up kindergarten and has made huge strides in writing this year. HUGE. His handwriting is very readable now, his sentences and syntax are way beyond his years (looks comparable to the 2nd graders in his class), and his ideas and arguments are just as loopy as any 6-year-old boy's.

It's amazing how he rose to expectations, though. At his previous school, he was writing 1- and 2-sentence pieces along with every other kindergartner -- following instructions. The very first day at his new school, they let him write something as long as he wanted, and he filled a page!
Math: working on Singapore 4A/4B at school, and going deep into Khan Academy for higher math (fractions, statistics, geometry). Definitely his "superpower."
Reading: Boxcar Children, Little House, Jigsaw Jones, assorted science and math books. And Magic Treehouse is always around -- we have them all. Also, he's learning Spanish rapidly at school, so he's starting to have some basic Spanish books around as well.
We tested him a year and a half ago with the WPPSI, but the results were off because of his antipathy to the examiner (long story). No idea what he'd score if we tested him now, but we're not planning on it.