Can you believe I've seen mothers open up a can of soda (I call it that, but some call it pop in US depending on location) and unscrew a baby bottle, fill 'er up and hand it to their baby?!
Oh, I believe it...
A friend of mine once described a complete and total horror show of parenting that she witnessed personally. The mom was wearing filthy low-rider sweatpants, a braless wife-beater, and flipflop sandals, the sum of which did nothing to hide her numerous raunchy tattoos. With the cigarette clenched in the mouth (lit), wheeling the baby in the stroller, and loudly CURSING A BLUE STREAK because she OVERFILLED the baby bottle at the Pepsi machine there at the fast food restaurant-- and couldn't screw the lid back on the bottle as it foamed onto the floor while the baby screamed.
The mind boggles, but the source is 100% reliable. Inner city Philly, for anyone that wondered.
File that one under "things that make me feel like my parenting skill set is probably okay in the grand scheme of things..."