At least a lot of people are considering it: 'Neato, squirt, Dazey, Questions, Lorel and me that I know of off the top of my head.
Anyone I missed who is teetering on the brink of homeschool or already firmly declared?
Sorry! I wasn't very clear. I was naming everyone who is either already decided for next year--Lorel and me for sure, and maybe others that I missed--and those who are in the "maybe homeschool" camp--'Neato, squirt, Dazey, and Questions, that I know of.
Yes, we are definitely HSing next year. Yes, I think Lorel is pretty firmly decided! LOL!
And, Dazey, DS6 is the one I'm going to be HSing.
I also have a DS3 who is in half-day preschool both this year and next. He'll probably go to public K the following year, but beyond that is totally up in the air. If public school works for him, then that's where he'll probably go. If not, then we'll homeschool him, too. I can't yet tell if he's differently GT than his brother, GT with some LD, or an ND kid. He seems to fit better in preschool than his big brother did, so there's that. <shrug> Wait and see...
(BTW, both kids have birthdays this month, so they'll soon be DS7 and DS4, so as not to confuse anyone...
