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I guess people plan differently. We plan for our son to take pre-calculus in elementary school, and to go to university at age 17 or 18. I don't want to derail this thread, but I'd love to hear/discuss (maybe in a new thread) your thoughts about this, 22B. DS9 has taken precalculus, but is a very different character, I think, from HowlerKarma's DD, and I don't see him starting university before 17 or 18 probably. So how to make this work well has been exercising us. Do you have to keep going in math continually, or can you have your ds move on to other subjects, sciences, etc, then come back to whatever math he needs when he needs it? polarbear
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I am sort of shocked that anyone would assume that my 13yo is not up to the task of a major in applied mathematics on the basis of "only" starting as a regular freshman-- in calculus. If there is a 3-year B.S. program in math starting with calculus, she will be able to start with calculus and complete it, but if followed by multivariable calculus and linear algebra the 2nd year, as Berkeley requires as a "LOWER-DIVISION REQUIRED COURSE", she would have only one year left for upper-division courses that have multivariable calculus and linear algebra as pre-requisites. This program has less depth than a 4-year one in which a student starts with MV calculus and linear algebra and spends the next three years taking upper-division courses, and it arguably leaves a student less prepared for graduate study in math or for a math-intensive career. For many highly gifted students, their BA is effectively a master's degree, since they are taking graduate-level courses in their junior and senior years. I think that is what I'd like for my eldest. Even with a 5 on AP Calculus BC, I was underprepared to study electricity and magnetism as a freshman, having never seen "Div, Grad, Curl, and All That" (there is a book with that title). I'd like my eldest to have at least informally studied some MV calculus before college.
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As to those of you with young children who are very accelerated now and you think that you can delay college until 18 - good luck with that! That appetitie for learning doesn't fade away. In our experience it gets stronger every year. I had plans of gap years, fifth years of high school, etc. My son did not. Exactly. It has been a Herculean effort to keep DD from college this long, to be blunt. We have deliberately deprived her of some exposures because that surface 'skimming' is only likely to ruin her for the deeper exposure, and it won't really satisfy her anyway. Those with kids who haven't gone through high school recently may not understand what I mean, there. Let me explain. My DD is, in fact, way ahead of most of her peers across the board-- in any area where she has had exposure, I mean. We supply her with college level textbooks and she eats them up. Current obsessions include the historical development of psychology and sociology, musical instrument acoustics, neurology, and poetry forms. Oh, and literature, which is sort of a given with her. She has been pretty hungry for deeper learning experiences for 4-6 years now, and we've indulged it via afterschooling-- in areas where she isn't likely to encounter the subject later in a mandatory course somewhere. She is being raised by two experienced college advisors, after all.  She actually UNDERSTANDS the AP Physics B course that she's taking, and completely retains what she learns, which, if you check out the discussions that Val and I have had about that class, is kind of astonishing in any high school student-- regardless of age. Again, it's because of the limitations of her school environment that we opted to have her take physics but not chemistry (well, and also because quite frankly, we didn't think that the chemistry teacher was actually qualifed to teach our DD that material-- more on that in a moment), plus we wanted her to have an actual laboratory experience. She can be highly autodidactic, but it's very spotty and idiosyncratic. Not exactly a good way to establish a foundation for further study. The professors that DD talked with did go through the three-or-four year plan with her on paper as to math coursework. They know that she aspires to a grad program-- there was some discussion of doing a 5y M.S. program there. I understand the cautions being expressed in Bostonian and CFK's posts, but for my own DD, she will tolerate one run through "learning" calculus, and it had better be a good one, because remediative instruction is something that she tolerates very ill... and that's a gross understatement. She's a mastery learner, and high school is NOT set up for kids like her. High school now is just a continuation of K-8. It's more spiraling, more 'skimming' the surface, and more test-prep. Sad, but true. She will earn college credit next year for both English Composition and for Intro to Statistics. We've deliberately NOT had her earn credit via AP examinations because that isn't why she's taking AP courses. She needs NO help graduating from college any earlier. But she definitely needed more challenging material. She will-- probably-- place out of lower-division coursework in many, many areas as a college freshman. We just don't want her to accumulate CREDITS while doing it. It's an asynchrony/maturity issue, and our logic is exactly like 22B's here-- we want to narrow that gap any way we can. Hiring a tutor is a reasonable idea-- might have DD put out some feelers this summer in her internship and see if she can connect with an math/stats grad student locally who'd be willing. The reason why I'm willing to teach her stats but not precalc/calc is the same one that Colinsmum alluded to-- my background supports stats. I know it inside and out. I know precalc/calc about as well as a good student who has taken the courses and done very well at mastering the material in them. That's not always good enough with DD-- this is the other problem that we (increasingly) had with the math instruction at the high school level-- knowing what's IN the book/course is one thing, but knowing the subject inside and out is actually needed for kids that interact with the subject in ways which are beyond the scope of the class, but evidently necessary for them to scaffold the material. THIS is why my DD has such trouble being an autodidact for some subjects. She needs the interaction with an actual subject expert that understands far MORE than what is in the book. I can do that with stats, but not with calculus. She has trouble with any teacher who isn't a subject expert because of the way she learns. I'm very frustrated by this situation; her school won't actually teach the kids math in a meaningful way, and her dad doesn't have the time/inclination. His background is MORE than up to the task. Mine isn't. But he refuses to sacrifice his free time to do it.  Yes as to what Bostonian wrote. My son started taking grad courses his first semester as a freshman because he was so far ahead of the game going into college. He will complete his BS in three years but will have over 15 grad courses on his transcript by that time (if all goes as scheduled). Grad school competition can be fierce. There are far fewer spots than for undergrad. And even fewer that are funded.
Edited to add:
Suggestion for HK or anyone else in the same situation: go thru the college course schedule and plan out the three years. See exactly how many course she can fit in to that schedule (keeping in mind that not all schools offer all courses every semester). See if your child is where he/she needs to be at the end of that time in order to get where he/she wants to go after. REALLY great advice-- secondly, I'd add that a minor in a laboratory science is a great way to ensure better FUNDING for grad school. That way, you can be a lab TA even if you aren't in the department. This was common where I was a grad student, because the Gen Chem machine had to be fed, and there were simply never enough Chem students willing to take on a third lab section-- we had physics, math, mat-sci and vet-med students teaching lab sections all the time. Now, it didn't come with a tuition waiver, of course, the way it did for our own majors, but it was certainly better than nothing! Also keep in mind your child's tolerance for repetition, and be on the lookout for it. If you have a child like mine that doesn't tolerate it, craft mastery into preparatory material. AP coursework is NOT college level; at least not for anyone who isn't fairly autodidactic and in possession of an expert human resource. It's that skimming thing again. AP Chem in high school is NOT the equivalent of Gen Chem. Unfortunately, as noted above, K-12 education practices are hardly on your side there. If you're serious about a subject, actually take the college course somehow. For HG+ kids, it'll be much more meaningful and closer to their needs. That's my advice. Higher ed = mastery model, particularly in STEM. Frequently it all fits together like a puzzle-box with a trick lid, with each course needing to come in a particular order because of how things scaffold on one another conceptually. That is VERY different from the reality of K-12 pedagogy. It's why so many institutions really don't have a lot of respect for AP credits-- other than as an indicator of who the brightest kids are. Individual plan. Yes. 
Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.
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I may try the technique of using AOPS for me to learn it well enough to teach it to DD using the Lial text (or something else that seems to suit her).
If I teach it to her, I need to understand a lot more than the level that her textbook is written at.
Wasn't a problem through algebra II, that. Probably wouldn't be a problem for trig. I guess I'm a little afraid of the calculus.
Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.
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FWIW, HK, I chose Materials Science to major in at UCB for reasons similar to your DD's - it let me double-major with the largest number of potential engineering majors, and therefore would give me the most flexibility down the road, given that I was going to the College of Engineering (there is a story about why the College of Letters and Science wasn't available to me, but that's not really germane here). I had to declare a major when I was a second-term sophomore in high school, again for reasons that are not immediately important. But when I finally took a course in it two years later, I loved it, and went on to get a Ph.D. in it. Sometimes serendipity works out just fine.
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I may try the technique of using AOPS for me to learn it well enough to teach it to DD using the Lial text (or something else that seems to suit her). AOPS is meant for people who love math for its own sake and like to tackle math contest problems. The Lial textbook is for ordinary bright students. Therefore your taking an AOPS course so you could teach Lial is overkill.
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So far I've heard from people on Lial, on AoPS, Thinkwell, Derek Owens, and Richard G. Brown... nobody's tried Blitzer? That one seemed so promising... might call upon a mathematician friend or two and ask about it if nobody here knows. Maybe ColinsMum and I should just swap kids for a few months.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I like math. I do. But at the time that I learned calculus, I was fixated on passing the class (with a host of other more-pressing life concerns weighing on me) and not on "understanding the deeper mathematics." I then went on to other things, most of which required advanced skills only in statistical methods and differential equations. The math required by my spouse's graduate physics coursework was downright terrifying. Then again, I have math phobia, and it all started in high school, but culminated in a spectacularly bad calculus experience. Too long a story. I have certainly taken graduate mathematics coursework and done well with it-- ironically, in spite of my apparent struggles with calculus as an undergraduate, I have been "the mathy one" at every single professional placement since then. I'm not particularly "slow" as a math student, but I'm an applications and modeling person by nature. Anyway. I'm not so sure that Bostonian is completely understanding my point that my DD, while not having any particular overwhelming DRIVE for math competition and the like (again, there are other factors here that are in play), is also not a typical but bright math student. That kind of textbook seems to work tolerably well for her as a support, given her learning style. She has a disconcerting tendency to interrupt straightforward instruction with questions that require a lot deeper understanding to answer (they otherwise generate; "WTH?? Why are you so off topic?"). I've even fallen prey to that myself in subjects like psychology, history, and econ with her, where I simply didn't know WHY she was asking, or how it connected with what she was supposed to be learning... so I've learned to respond carefully with a wary... "Why do you ask?" This is why I say that she both is-- and is not-- an autodidact. She learns FROM other people, mostly, but not in the ways that they necessarily intend. Being something of a polymath myself, in most subjects this is fun, but with calculus material, I confess that I'm intimidated. I WANT her to have good answers to her questions, and to be able to probe her understanding Socratically, because she seems to need that in order to construct her own understanding-- it's about scaffolding for her. Ergo-- it seems as though the AoPS text might be precisely what I need to understand the theoretical underpinnings well enough to teach my DD the precalculus concepts solidly in a way that suits HER needs. The other option is to look for a tutor that has graduate-level understanding. I'm probably far more concerned about my own background here than is truly warranted, but this is my math phobia surrounding that word "calculus" talking. LOL. Before anyone jumps to conclusions about her math acceleration not matching her LOG, please recall that she is one of those rare kids who seems to NOT be either "mathy" or "science-ey" or "verbal" but all of those things (and more) in equal measure. She simply doesn't have enough hours in the day to pursue everything that she's into, which makes her incredibly sad. We've not encouraged her to throw away any of those interests, because we can't (yet) judge which of them are most likely to bear fruit. Well, okay-- the Pokemon obsession had to go.  She thinks math/music/?. Several years ago, she thought perhaps physics, but she really doesn't enjoy classical mechanics (hmmmm... maybe because it was algebra-based... who knows). She likes math very much, she's very strikingly good at it, and she likes knowing it inside and out-- well enough to bring a variety of approaches to bear in teaching. She's quite gifted as a teacher. (She is one of only 16-18 kids chosen to act as a peer tutor in a system of ~30K, for whatever that is worth... and I think that DOES say something about her abilities to understand the math, not just her soft/people skills, because she's regularly in high demand and has been asked back over and over again. She regularly solves problems that stump the teacher-- often using her own methods to do so.) All of that to say that we don't KNOW that she'll stick with math. It just closes the fewest doors on likely interests for now, and lets her get into a collegiate environment and give her a chance to explore interests with electives from across the campus for a year or two while she builds math background. DD doesn't enter competitions in which 'winning' = 'travel.' This means that most science and math contests get written off automatically, and she's never had much interest in competitive chess, either, in spite of very clear aptitude. It's possible that the AoPS text would appeal to her-- but more likely, IMO, that it would be something that we'd pull out occasionally to deal with those questions that come out of nowhere. A means of drilling down as needed, as it were.
Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.
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Good point.
I'm not necessarily thinking that she's LIKELY to go after a PhD in math, so much as maybe statistics or another area of study where the math is a supporting feature.
Too soon to know.
Frankly, we'd rather that she spend 5y on an undergrad degree so that we don't pay quite so much for 'exploration' (which is necessary for her).
Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.
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Frankly, we'd rather that she spend 5y on an undergrad degree so that we don't pay quite so much for 'exploration' (which is necessary for her). Undergrad in STEM is less likely to be funded than grad school, so I don't understand this statement, unless she is getting a scholarship for undergrad.
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It's a LOT less for undergrad tuition than graduate work-- and either one is cheaper than a degree that you very capably earned but belatedly discover that you cannot tolerate for a lifetime.
The exploration is essential because this is a HG+ (PG?) kid who has wide ranging interests and equally wide ranging high potential to match it. There's not really time for that after undergrad.
Math isn't the only thing that she could do or wants to. It's just the most versatile thing (IMO).
Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.