"Roses are red....my name is not Dave....this poem makes no sense.....microwave."
Oh I just had to read this out to DH and we giggled like crazy, it's so the sort of thing my DS would write too! And then I giggled at the thought of how many of my friends would just stare blank-faced and confused ...

My brag is just a cute story about DD6. She was on school holiday recently and we were hanging around the house one day while she was on a bit of a space kick. We watched a Nat Geo documentary about collisions and impacts in space, wrapped one of her old teddies in tinfoil and stuck a jar on his head to make him into an astronaut, played with her rocket set and toy astronauts, using the pages of a solar system book we'd got from the library as planets for them to land on and collect samples ...
Then we did some tinfoil modeling, and although I was exhaustedly trying to get her to make something easy like bracelets, she made a comprehensive model of the solar system, including all major moons (there are a LOT!), Uranus's sideways rings, the asteroid belt, even a comet to demonstrate the way the solar wind affects the comet's tail. She turned my lame tinfoil bracelets into distant spiral galaxies!
Anyway, I was worn out and went to hide/take a bathroom break, when after 30 seconds a little note was slipped under the door: "There are no toilets in space"
It totally made me laugh

I've stuck the note up on the back of the bathroom door to always make us smile. I'm sure any guests must think it's weird but never mind!
(In comparison, btw, this week for Poetry class at school she had to colour in a cartoon picture of a banana. Sigh)