Hi folks,
I'm hoping someone here has experience with eidetic memories and can offer me insight into what I'm witnessing with my son, whose memory seems unusually sharp.
Parental background: DH has near total recall of information from most sensory input, and I have preternatural auditory--though I don't think eidetic--recall.
So here are some examples of what we're witnessing in DS:
-Verbatim memorization of hundreds of books, often after one or two readings
-Memorization of song lyrics after one singing
-Retention of new words after one hearing (I think this one is pretty standard for this age--thank you, fast mapping!)
-Internalization of concepts after one exposure (eg. solar system configuration after viewing a diorama at a museum).
For instance, while getting changed today, he turned off the light in his room and said, "It's dark. See constellations on ceiling--there's Big Dipper." We don't have any glow-in-the-dark stickers or space diagrams anywhere, just one storybook that we've read twice that features an offhand remark in the dialogue about constellations and...surprise...the Big Dipper.
All these memories persist, even if the information is in "disuse". I pulled out a book we hadn't read for at least 6 months, and he still knew it verbatim!
If you have experience with eidetic memories, does this sound like it fits the bill, are we likely "just" looking at a strong by not atypical memory, or is it too early to tell?
Thanks so much for your feedback!