The librarian stories are quite interesting to read, perhaps I should be thankful for our elementary librarian instead of annoyed! LOl
Our school librarian makes the kids pick out books in their AR (Lexile)range. When my DD8 was in 1st grade she had a 7th grade reading range. She came home from school one day with a book and started asking me questions about the things that were happening in the book that concerned me (dead woman in the woods type stuff). I took the book and read the first chapter and thought that yes, while my daughter can read the book, the content was way too mature for her. I had her return the book and talk to the librarian on her own and then I went in one day and touched base. The Librarian seemed pretty annoyed with me, but honestly, I do think that just because our kids have the ability to do something doesn't mean I want her to lose her innocence or her childhood over it.
Now in 3rd grade, she comes home with books that are a little edgy and I let her read them and we discuss them because I think the two years of maturation have made it easier for me to explain and easier for her to understand.
I guess our librarian is pretty cool, although I didn't think so at the time!! LOL