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Hello, just looking for insight into test of 11 year old DD in 6th grade.
Short backround - STRENGTHS - creative mind and imagination. Excels at drawing anime characters - scary good. Interests include science fiction/fantasy such as "Dr. Who", "Lord of the Rings" and of course anime. WEAKNESSES - poor social skills (increased by not having common interests as average girls in class), does not handle constuctive criticism well. Sensitive to loud talking (covers ears and tells me to "stop yelling" when in fact I am speaking in normal tone (mostly during homework).
Medically suffering from general anxiety disorder, and probably OCD. Currently being home tutored by district as she was was unable to go to school starting in February. (non-functioning and almost hospitalized). Things are better as she is now on Zoloft and Inositol powder (over the counter). Anyway, my district asked that she tested for special education to rule out anything. Thank goodness for medication to even get DD out of the house to get to the testing site!!
VCI 112 - 79% - High-Average PRI 129 - 97% - superior WMI 104 - 61% - Average PSI 112 - 79% - High Average FSIQ 120 - 91% - Superior
Subtests: VCI Similarities: 15 Vocabulary: 13 Comprehension: 9
PRI: Block Design: 15 Picture Concepts: 14 Matrix resoning: 15
WMI: Digit Span: 12 Letter-Number: 10
PSI: coding: 10 Symbol Search: 14
My first question is this. Tester noted that DD had to be redirected and refocused several times during the test. Tester also said DD did not understand the first (Similarities) subtest and gave one word answers at first, but still fell into the superior range in that subtest. (would it have been higher if she would have understood from the beginning)?
Home tutor also notes that DD gets off topic (for instance, being tutored on the Earth and crust in science, DD goes off and gives tutor a whole schpeel on the planted Pluto and why/why not she things about the whole discussion of whether it should be a planet or not.
DD also took the WIAT, but don't have the results of that yet. Only thing tester told me was that DD answered questions at much higher grade and age equivalent. Especially math, as that was 12th grade. I think that was the highest.
Her Psychologist is doing some 45 minute computer test on his own this Friday as he is suspicious of ADD. (I didn't think to ask what name of that test was). Second question: Does anyone have a clue as to what this test might be called?
I have the Special education Committee meeting a week from today, and don't know what to ask, or what to expect.
Third question: Can anyone tell by just these results so far, is there any underlying learning disability or other concerns?
*******ADDITIONAL SCORES ADDED**5/9/13*******************
I just got the WIAT scores. This is all the information on the paperwork: Standard Scores and percentile rank:
WIAT-III 130 - 98% - Reading Comprehension 116 - 86% - Math problem Solving 128 - 97% - sentence Composition 119 - 90% - Word Reading 112 - 79% - Pseudoword Decoding 107 - 68% - Numerical Operations 125 - 95% - Spelling
I wish I had raw scores (or whatever you call it), but just got results in mail this morning, and the special education meeting is Monday morning.
Do these seem in line with her WISC-IV score above? Any discrepancies or concerns?
Last edited by jojosmom; 05/09/13 06:25 AM. Reason: Additional Scores
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With anxiety, OCD, attention problems, long monologues on her own tangents, low(er) comprehension, higher pri, a few other clues I suggest you read up about girls with Aspergers and see if you think it fits. I am not sure how much reading you have done on girls and Aspgergers but I really recommend looking at these: This list was a massive A-HA! (oh no!) moment for me: http://suelarkey.com.au/media/Tip_Sheet_-_Girls_with_an_ASD.pdfThis book was really useful for me, as are the two documents on the page: http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_a58d4f6a/wp_a58d4f6a.html
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Anxiety and what appears to be OCD (which isn't really) and all the things you mentioned remind me of my son who is on the autism spectrum. And the comprehension section being lower. Yes read up on Asperger's Syndrome.
...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary
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Hmmm. You have given me something to think about!!! Never considered Asperger's. I have a niece with it though, and my DD doesn't quite seem to match completely with the characteristics (links) you gave me and I looked at (and how my niece appears to be). She may have a few of traits, but so does her older sister who is in college on full academic scholarship, has tons of friends, and a well rounded kid in all aspects. Depression and anxiety just run through my family. It rarely skips anyone. lol
DD didn't have friends in K-3 because small school and she was being bullied by the four other girls in her class. Switched to new school, made friends right away, but then the 3 girlfriends left at the end of 5th grade and went to various public schools instead. Left DD floundering without girls with same interests. She does have one boy in her class that she constantly converses with through Skype. He has a lot of the same interests as she does.
DD essentially gave up in 6th grade this year. Wouldn't do homework, but was scared of getting into trouble. Would lie to the teacher, and to us. She didn't and couldn't (mentally and physically) go too school anymore. Would explode when she came home and a couple of times got violent with me, and became non-functional. So, hence, had no choice but to have the district send in a tutor 5 hours a week (that is all you get). They also wanted her tested for special education.
Tester said that DD would react to life or academic demands through silly or immature behavior and retreating into her fantasy of anime and drawing. Seen during testing as when asked to complete various activities, she made faces, stuck out her tongue, giggled, crossed her eyes, and made tangential comments regarding test questions.
OCD - Mild? For instance, if she touches one elbow, she has to touch the other elbow. She likes her "evenness" she calls it. That visual kinda OCD has gotten better, but now we are dealing with 2 1/2 hour baths instead.
Here I was wondering if her scores would indicate a LD such as ADD, but now you have me wondering about Aspergers instead. Tests don't diagnose that though do they? That would have to be her own Psycologist?
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Such challenges you are having! It sounds like you have resources to help you discern what is going on, and that is wonderful. That isn't always the case. As for what is going on with your daughter, others have already pointed out that what you described is similar to characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Continue to be patient.
My daughter is 13 and our girls have similar interests - anime and drawing. I wish we could get them together. You are right - it's difficult for them to find peers with similar interests! Honestly, I "get" it though, as anime story lines are complex and dynamic. What are their other options? Justin Bieber and Wizards of Waverly Place? If our girls were in Japan or even if they were just boys...they'd likely have more peers with similar interests.
As for ASD, it's been brought up as possible for my girl, although she has not been diagnosed as such. We are addressing her social difficulties through therapy at this point and by just being aware and supporting her in social settings.
There are some good discussions on this if you do a search in the forums about Aspergers and Non-Verbal LD.
Edited to add: based upon what you said about the testing conditions - it is possible (likely?) that these scores are not accurate. I wouldn't make any decisions on her intelligence based on this one test on one day while it sounds like your daughter was under a lot of stress.
- Sky
Last edited by skysunsea; 05/07/13 05:37 PM.
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FWIW, I don't know that I'd deem her scores to be "not gifted." It looks possible that she is moderately/mildly gifted and twice exceptional with some scores (like the comprehension subtest) being depressed by a disability.
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Sky, Too bad our DD's can't be together! My DD hates Justin Bieber and One Direction. She complains that is all the girls talk about in school. She says, "mom, they don't even know who Meatloaf, Rolling Stones, Eagles, Lynard Skynard, and the Beatles are"!! DD does like current music too, just NOT obsessed with singers like the "silly girls" are.
You are right, if they lived in Japan there wouldn't be an issue of finding friends with common interests. DD would like to "cosplay" too at some point, and go to a "Vocaloid Concert" (Google THAT if you will....lol). She just had her long hair cut into a short layered anime kinda look. *lol* Barb
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Master of None: Do you mean grade level achievement testing? I am still waiting for scores on her WIAT test. I thought I would have them by now because the Special Ed Committee meeting is on Monday.
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I just got the WIAT scores. This is all the information on the paperwork: Standard Scores and percentile rank:
WIAT-III 130 - 98% - Reading Comprehension 116 - 86% - Math problem Solving 128 - 97% - sentence Composition 119 - 90% - Word Reading 112 - 79% - Pseudoword Decoding 107 - 68% - Numerical Operations 125 - 95% - Spelling
I wish I had raw scores (or whatever you call it), but just got results in mail this morning, and the special education meeting is Monday morning. I will also add them to the top post.
Do these seem in line with her WISC-IV score above? Any discrepancies or concerns?
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It really, really is too bad.  DD loves instrumental music - I'll have to look up Vocaloid. Obviously that sounds like electronic music, which my dd loves. Like your dd, she also likes current music. She was introduced to Anime(My Friend Totoro, Naussica etc..) when in preschool, so that interest is to be expected. Cosplay? Yep, when we were in San Diego we went to Comicon and she'd like to do that! She was a Naruto character for Halloween one year. Electronic music and anime were introduced to her by her father at a young age, so they are natural interests.